Le Collane di Med
Literary Competition
The Women's International Association for the Communication
literary competition for:
woman writers &
woman writers making their debut
competition is addressed to young woman writers,
(maximum 35 years old),and to woman writers
making their debut in their first literary experience
(without age limit).
The competition will be divided in two session:
short story fiction
(4-5 pages, 30 lines each) (minimum 100 pages)
The theme of the competition is
general plan of the competition is about one’s own personal experience:
it is necessary to write stories in the first person, stories about relationships
marked by sexual difference;
direct testimonies about life in their own place and about “movings” towards
others places, towards other realities.
The conflicts inside and outside to oneself constitute the plot about which
to develop the story.
The choice of this theme is born from the consciousness that in the world
wars and conflicts are more and more frequent and numerous.
Many of these conflicts don’t create a stir and the public opinion has short
knowledge about their tragic consequences. Their results, whether these wars
are far from our cities or in Balkan region and in Middle East, are observed
up to our houses; they reverberate on our governments’ economic and political
on our customs and behaviours, on the kind of relationships we establish.
Our society, that we consider ‘democratic’, is animated by class struggles,
cultural and social contrasts, religious, racial, family and generational antagonisms.
The participants can choose the theme of the conflicts in its different acceptations
and shades of meanings:
from the pure wars to debates about international law;
from the social conflicts to the individual,inner ones;
from the faraway wars to the conflicts that originate inside home o in a detentive
the winners of the competition will be assured the publication of the work on
paper or on line.
The works of the participants will be inserted in the multimedia Data Bank
“Le storie di Med” and they won’t be returned.
interested participants must send four copies of the work, on paper and on floppy,
a short curriculum vitae and the payment’s copy of € 10,00 on c.c.p.(current
postal account) n.16282873 registered to:
MEDiterranea MEDIA, Viale dei Giardini, 4 - 87030 Rende (CS)
The cover must arrive before March 8th 2007
more informations:
phone Monday from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
tel & fax 0984.462054 ~ e-mail nadia.gambilongo@gmail.com