There is
a distance, a lapse of time, among our knowledges, outcome of an intellectual
work, and a more innermost feeling, beginning from the body, that helps
us to understand the reality deeply.
The journey started by Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, is a long way bristling
with obstacles, in search of her own origins and the world. Lucia has
done many stages to dig inside her and in the official texts, many researches,
readings, widenings; she has met privileged witnesses, she has discovered
from the past traces and signs. The enchantment is assured, it's a fascinating
work that changes our lifes. It's the beauty's way, that the dark mother
shows us and that Lucia recommends us heartily.
Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum is an Italo-American, of Sicilian origin. Sha
has taught History in the University of Berkeley, in California and
in San Francisco. She has published Liberazione della donna. Feminism
in Italy and Black Madonnas. Feminism, religion and politics in Italy.
Biography and knowledges make her a extraordinary person and studious.
MEDiterranean MEDIA, for more than ten years is involved in promotion
and diffusion of the knowledges of the women. The utilization of different
media has allowed to create networks of relationship among the women
in the Mediterranean area and to stimulate projects of cultural exchange.
It's the case of the bilingual review "Mediterranean Review",
of the "Collane di Med", that with the promotion of the Literary
Competition for young woman writers and woman writers making their debut,
have contributed to lay a bridgeamong the different generations, and
of the multimedia collection "Donnemondo", that wants to spread
works and international important problems, concurring to create a new